About KYCA

Who is KY Corn

Our vision is to sustainably feed and fuel a growing world.


Our organization empowers corn farmers to elevate their voice in the governmental process.

KY Corn Promotion Council

The Kentucky Corn Promotion Council collects and administers a .0025 checkoff, which is remitted on corn sold throughout Kentucky.

Annual Report

Review the latest Annual Report and explore highlights from 2023.

Checkoff at work


The Kentucky corn checkoff makes important market development, promotion, education, and research efforts possible.


We serve a variety of markets including, Ethanol, Bourbon & Distilled Spritis, Trade, and Livestock Feed to name a few.


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Kentucky Corn supports multiple programs about agriculture literacy and improving agriculture educations.


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Action Alerts

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For us, grassroots means that corn farmer members are the organization. Our organization is governed by a board of directors who are elected by farmer members.


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Read more about all programs offered

Corn farmer checkoff funds go to a variety of annual programming to ensure a strong and vibrant Kentucky agriculture industry and to strengthen the efforts of other organizations toward their missions to enhance the future of our industry.

Core Farmer Scholarship

The CORE Farmer Program is a two-year curriculum designed to deliver classroom-style instructional learning, expand participants’ peer network and gain perspectives from other business endeavors.

News & Resources

Blog, Press, Updates

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Corn Facts

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Agriculture Education

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Classroom Resources

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News and Information.

U.S. Headed for Record Ag Trade Deficit

U.S. Headed for Record Ag Trade Deficit

After decades of substantial U.S. agricultural trade surpluses, the U.S. is forecast to experience a record trade deficit for the second year in a row. American Farm Bureau Federation economists analyzed the factors contributing to the deficit in their latest Market Intel report.

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A Farmers Guide to the GREET Model

A Farmers Guide to the GREET Model

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory’s GREET model is catching the eyes of not only airlines and policy gurus, but also midwestern corn farmers. The model is critical to corn-based ethanol’s pathway to the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) market.

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Corn Growers Focus on Opening Markets, Enforcing Trade Agreements

Corn Growers Focus on Opening Markets, Enforcing Trade Agreements

It’s an evening we all remember in the Washington office of the National Corn Growers Association and is now a familiar war story that is brought up often at our gatherings. On a cold February night in 2023 as staff settled into their homes after a day at the office, our communications director sent an email around: “Please be advised, Mexico plans to ban all genetically modified white corn imports beginning tomorrow.”

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Corn Growers Disappointed in GREET Model Update

Corn Growers Disappointed in GREET Model Update

An announcement this week by the U.S. Department of Treasury regarding the final guidance on eligibility for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel tax credits enacted in the Inflation Reduction Act was met with concern from leaders at the National Corn Growers Association who say they are now committed to ensuring that the updated guidelines for the credit are vastly improved. 

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Corn Demand Takes a Hit in EPA’s New Tailpipe Rule

Corn Demand Takes a Hit in EPA’s New Tailpipe Rule

Motor gasoline use is expected to decline in the future even under a baseline case, but new tailpipe emissions rules really put the pedal to the metal – rapidly accelerating that process. This would be a major shock on demand for corn used to produce ethanol spurring potentially devastating impacts on farmers and the rural economy.

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Redmond Greenwell Emerges as Trailblazing Leader in Corn Industry

Redmond Greenwell Emerges as Trailblazing Leader in Corn Industry

Redmond Greenwell, a sixth-generation farmer from Morganfield, Kentucky, is making an impact in the agricultural community through his leadership roles and participation in Kentucky Corn’s CORE program. With a passion for farming, Redmond is dedicated to continuing his family’s farm legacy and ensuring the success of Greenwell Acres, a 7500-acre farm growing corn and soybeans and raising cattle. 

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Thousands of Corn Farmers Across the Country Caution Biden Administration Against Solely Focusing on Electric Vehicles at Expense of Biofuels in Climate Fight

Thousands of Corn Farmers Across the Country Caution Biden Administration Against Solely Focusing on Electric Vehicles at Expense of Biofuels in Climate Fight

A letter signed by 3,466 farmers from across the country, including 62 from Kentucky, was sent to President Biden today expressing concern that his administration is taking a short-sighted approach to addressing climate change by prioritizing the use of electric vehicles over biofuels, such as corn ethanol, as it works to drastically lower the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions.

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Brandon Robey of Adairville, Kentucky, Elected as Board Member for District 4 of the Kentucky Corn Growers Association

Brandon Robey of Adairville, Kentucky, Elected as Board Member for District 4 of the Kentucky Corn Growers Association

Brandon Robey, a first-generation farmer from Adairville, Kentucky, shared his story about getting into farming and discussed his appointment as a board member for District 4 of the Kentucky Corn Growers Association (KYCGA). With a passion for agriculture, Robey inspires both resilience in chasing dreams and involvement in organizations like KYCGA. 

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Scientific Advisory Panel Report Reaffirms Flawed Science in Atrazine Assessment

Scientific Advisory Panel Report Reaffirms Flawed Science in Atrazine Assessment

A 2023 Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) report echoes corn grower comments in calling for the removal of several low-quality studies used in the atrazine reregistration process. The Kentucky Corn Growers Association and the Triazine Network, a national coalition of farm organizations representing well over 30 crops in 40 states, credits strong grassroots involvement with this positive step in ensuring EPA utilizes the best science available.

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Ethanol Importers from Vietnam to Visit U.S. Production Facilities in Kentucky and Tennessee in Support of Global Ethanol Summit

Ethanol Importers from Vietnam to Visit U.S. Production Facilities in Kentucky and Tennessee in Support of Global Ethanol Summit

A 16-member team of government officials and bioethanol importers from Vietnam will be in Kentucky and Tennessee on Oct. 18-21 to get a firsthand look at domestic ethanol production and real-world applications. This contingent is one of 11 groups that will continue their travels after the U.S. Grains Council’s (USGC) Global Ethanol Summit (GES).

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Bringing Agriculture to Classrooms Across Kentucky

Bringing Agriculture to Classrooms Across Kentucky

As students return to school this Fall, Kentucky corn growers are supporting educational efforts in classrooms across the state. Since its inception, Kentucky Corn has supported the programming of Kentucky Agriculture & Environment in the Classroom (KAEC). KAEC...

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Exploring Kentucky’s Corn Farms: A Day at “Farm Camp Class”

Exploring Kentucky’s Corn Farms: A Day at “Farm Camp Class”

Ten students from the University of Kentucky Agricultural Ecosystem Sciences (AES) studies program recently participated in an educational tour across Kentucky’s corn farms. Dr. Chad Lee, Extension Professor for Grain Crops at the University of Kentucky, organized the visits to provide students with practical insights into corn farming at three different farming operations: Hunt Farms, Lester Family Farms, and Sisk Farms.

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Agriculture to EPA: Get the Science Right

Agriculture to EPA: Get the Science Right

Independent Scientific Panel Takes Another Look At Atrazine  Kentucky corn and sorghum growers took time away from their farms to testify last week before an Environmental Protection Agency Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) about the importance of Atrazine. The...

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NCYC Early Entry Period Closes June 30

NCYC Early Entry Period Closes June 30

The early entry deadline for the National Corn Growers Association Corn Yield Contest is fast approaching on June 30, 2023. The 2023 contest entry period will close on August 16, 2023. All harvest forms will be due by November 30 and contest winners will be announced...

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A Brief Check-In from Kentucky Corn Growers Association

A Brief Check-In from Kentucky Corn Growers Association

I made my usual “quick” trip to National Farm Machinery Show last week.   I always try to get in and out really quickly to see a few new things and have some brief discussions on new technology that I am in interested in – but inevitably, I run into some friends and end up closing the place down.  I appreciate grassroots leaders from National Corn Growers Association from around the country for traveling in to stand alongside Kentucky Corn leaders at our booth.

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KyCorn Joins the Nation’s Corn Grower Leaders in Calling on Biden to Set Quick, Firm Timeline with Mexico on Biotech Corn

KyCorn Joins the Nation’s Corn Grower Leaders in Calling on Biden to Set Quick, Firm Timeline with Mexico on Biotech Corn

The presidents of 23 state corn grower groups, joined by the president of the National Corn Growers Association, sent a letter to President Biden yesterday calling for him to take additional steps to address the pending decree by Mexico that would block imports of biotech corn. Joseph Sisk, Kentucky Corn Growers Association President and Christian County farmer, was among the letter’s signatories.

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