About KYCA

Who is KY Corn

Our vision is to sustainably feed and fuel a growing world.


Our organization empowers corn farmers to elevate their voice in the governmental process.

KY Corn Promotion Council

The Kentucky Corn Promotion Council collects and administers a .0025 checkoff, which is remitted on corn sold throughout Kentucky.

Annual Report

Review the latest Annual Report and explore highlights from 2023.

Checkoff at work


The Kentucky corn checkoff makes important market development, promotion, education, and research efforts possible.


We serve a variety of markets including, Ethanol, Bourbon & Distilled Spritis, Trade, and Livestock Feed to name a few.


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Kentucky Corn supports multiple programs about agriculture literacy and improving agriculture educations.


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Action Alerts

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For us, grassroots means that corn farmer members are the organization. Our organization is governed by a board of directors who are elected by farmer members.


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Read more about all programs offered

Corn farmer checkoff funds go to a variety of annual programming to ensure a strong and vibrant Kentucky agriculture industry and to strengthen the efforts of other organizations toward their missions to enhance the future of our industry.

Core Farmer Scholarship

The CORE Farmer Program is a two-year curriculum designed to deliver classroom-style instructional learning, expand participants’ peer network and gain perspectives from other business endeavors.

News & Resources

Blog, Press, Updates

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Corn Facts

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Agriculture Education

Learn about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Cubilia habitant at odio viverra. Mi nibh vehicula magnis.

Classroom Resources

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Policy Action Alerts Learn about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Grassroots For us, grassroots means that corn farmer members are the organization. Our organization is governed by a board of directors who are elected by farmer members....

News & Resources

News & Resources Blog, Press, Updates Learn about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Corn Facts Learn about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ridiculus sem pharetra ornare placerat conubia ultrices sapien Agriculture...


Programs Read more about all programs offered Corn farmer checkoff funds go to a variety of annual programming to ensure a strong and vibrant Kentucky agriculture industry and to strengthen the efforts of other organizations toward their missions to enhance the future...

Checkoff at work

Checkoff at work Overview The Kentucky corn checkoff makes important market development, promotion, education, and research efforts possible. Markets We serve a variety of markets including, Ethanol, Bourbon & Distilled Spritis, Trade, and Livestock Feed to name...


About KYCA Who is KY Corn Our vision is to sustainably feed and fuel a growing world. KyCGA Our organization empowers corn farmers to elevate their voice in the governmental process. KY Corn Promotion Council The Kentucky Corn Promotion Council collects and...