by | Aug 29, 2018

ARMS Data will Help Facilitate Farm Bill Discussions

NASS will soon start conducting the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) Phase II for corn and soybeans. The surveys are similar to ones conducted last year for 2016 crops.

Sampled producers have received a postcard informing them that an interviewer will contact them to schedule an appointment. This will begin in September and continue through October. There are roughly 200 corn growers and 200 soybean growers sampled for the surveys. We encourage our contacted members to respond to benefit all Kentucky grain farmers.

Data collected from the survey are used to calculate cost of production and farm income estimates. This information is used extensively in Farm Bill discussions and will likely be used to make decisions about the trade aid. Additionally, NASS publishes chemical use data,

NASS hopes that growers strongly consider participating and ask the hard questions if they have concerns or reservations.

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Kentucky Corn strives to create a future for Kentucky corn farmers where they can operate successfully, grow demand and foster an understanding of corn farmers and the industry.

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