by | Jan 16, 2022

Awards and Recognition from the Kentucky Commodity Conference

Retiring Directors

KyCorn executive director Laura Knoth (left) and incoming president Joseph Sisk (right) honored past president Richard Preston for his service at the Kentucky Corn Growers Association Annual Meeting on January 13. Preston, who has served as KyCGA President for the past three years, has served on the Board of Directors for both District 4 and the Lincoln Trail Area since 2010. He will continue to serve members with appointments on the National Corn Growers Association Risk Management and Transportation Action Team (as vice chairman), as well as the NCGA Resolutions and Nominating Committees.

Members and colleagues also thanked KyCorn board members Chris Pierce (Science Hill) and Bob Wade, Jr. (Sonora) for their leadership and service to the organization. Pierce has served as a KyCGA board member since 2013, and this was Wade’s second tenure on the board of directors, where the past president (1997-2000) has dedicated nearly 20 years to Kentucky’s corn farmers.

Certified Crop Advisor of the Year – Shawn Kand

2021 Corn Yield Contest Winners

State Corn Champion - Mitchell Farms

State Corn Champion – Mitchell Farms

White Corn Champion - Cundiff Farms

White Corn Champion – Cundiff Farms

Irrigated Champion - Drew Langley

Irrigated Champion – Drew Langley

Irrigated 2nd Place - Walnut Grove Farms

Irrigated 2nd Place – Walnut Grove Farms

2nd Place White Corn – Gene Glenn Farms

District 3 Tillage Winner – Greenwell Acres

District 4 Tillage Winner - Shane Wells, Mockingbird Hill Farms

District 4 Tillage Winner – Shane Wells, Mockingbird Hill Farms

District 6 Tillage Winner - Poore Farms

District 6 Tillage Winner – Poore Farms

District 5 No-Till Winner - Kevin Smith, Dusty Feathers Farms

District 5 No-Till Winner – Kevin Smith, Dusty Feathers Farms

District 6 No-Till Winner - Kevin Williams, KSW Farms

District 6 No-Till Winner – Kevin Williams, KSW Farms

What we do.

Kentucky Corn strives to create a future for Kentucky corn farmers where they can operate successfully, grow demand and foster an understanding of corn farmers and the industry.

Become a member.

For us, grassroots means that corn farmer members are the organization. Our organization is governed by a board of directors of volunteer farmers who are elected by farmer members. Kentucky Corn Growers Association’s ability to influence policy decisions depends entirely on the strength of its membership.

By being a member, you make the Kentucky Corn Growers Association a stronger advocacy group.