by | May 13, 2021

Heartland Whiskey Competition for Craft Distillers is coming to Louisville, July 22-23

KyCorn is happy to announced that the next Heartland Whiskey Competition will take place July 22-23 in Louisville, and craft distillers from Kentucky are invited to compete.

This is the third successive Heartland Whiskey Competition that state corn marketing associations throughout America’s Heartland have come together to sponsor. The biennial contest is sanctioned by the American Craft Spirits Association and strictly limited to craft whiskeys that contain some amount of corn as an ingredient.

Any craft distiller in the U.S. is eligible to enter product for judging in several categories. According to the Kentucky Distiller’s Association, there are 19 craft distillers in the commonwealth.

“We are thrilled to once again work with the state corn associations and support a competition that highlights small distilleries in their individual states which this covers over 90 percent of all U.S. craft distilleries,” said Margie A.S. Lehrman, Chief Executive Officer of ACSA. “Ours is a rapidly growing industry that requires continual support which corn growers have so graciously provided these last several years. This competition provides craft distilleries—many of which are independent, family-run businesses—a unique opportunity for visibility among consumers and distributors.”

Spirits competitions carry significant weight in the spirits industry, as award medals are often the reason a consumer purchases a product at retail. Kentucky distillers have performed well in previous Heartland Whiskey competitions, earning several coveted medals.

ACSA will select judges from accomplished mixologists who have experience with craft spirits. The actual judging will occur July 22 and 23 and winners will be announced in early August.

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Kentucky Corn strives to create a future for Kentucky corn farmers where they can operate successfully, grow demand and foster an understanding of corn farmers and the industry.

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