About KYCA

Who is KY Corn

Our vision is to sustainably feed and fuel a growing world.


Our organization empowers corn farmers to elevate their voice in the governmental process.

KY Corn Promotion Council

The Kentucky Corn Promotion Council collects and administers a .0025 checkoff, which is remitted on corn sold throughout Kentucky.

Annual Report

Review the latest Annual Report and explore highlights from 2023.

Checkoff at work


The Kentucky corn checkoff makes important market development, promotion, education, and research efforts possible.


We serve a variety of markets including, Ethanol, Bourbon & Distilled Spritis, Trade, and Livestock Feed to name a few.


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Kentucky Corn supports multiple programs about agriculture literacy and improving agriculture educations.


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Action Alerts

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For us, grassroots means that corn farmer members are the organization. Our organization is governed by a board of directors who are elected by farmer members.


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Read more about all programs offered

Corn farmer checkoff funds go to a variety of annual programming to ensure a strong and vibrant Kentucky agriculture industry and to strengthen the efforts of other organizations toward their missions to enhance the future of our industry.

Core Farmer Scholarship

The CORE Farmer Program is a two-year curriculum designed to deliver classroom-style instructional learning, expand participants’ peer network and gain perspectives from other business endeavors.

News & Resources

Blog, Press, Updates

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Corn Facts

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Agriculture Education

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Classroom Resources

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by | Apr 13, 2020

USDA Announces Loan Maturity for Marketing Assistance Loans Now Extended to 12 Months

Provides Producers with Marketing Flexibilities Amid COVID-19 Uncertainties

(USDA, April 9, 2020) Agricultural producers now have more time to repay Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL) as part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s implementation of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020. The loans now mature at 12 months rather than nine, and this flexibility is available for most commodities.

“Spring is the season when most producers have the biggest need for capital, and many may have or are considering putting commodities under loan. Extending the commodity loan maturity affords farmers more time to market their commodity and repay their loan at a later time,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. “We are extremely pleased that USDA can offer these marketing flexibilities at this critical time for the agriculture industry and the nation.”

Effective immediately, producers of eligible commodities now have up to 12 months to repay their commodity loans. The maturity extension applies to nonrecourse loans for crop years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Eligible open loans must in good standing with a maturity date of March 31, 2020, or later or new crop year (2019 or 2020) loans requested by September 30, 2020. All new loans requested by September 30, 2020, will have a maturity date 12 months following the date of approval.

The maturity extension for current, active loans will be automatically extended an additional 3 months. Loans that matured March 31 have already been automatically extended by USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA). Producers who prefer a nine-month loan will need to contact their local FSA county office. Loans requested after September 30, 2020, will have a term of nine months.

Eligible commodities include barley, chickpeas (small and large), corn, cotton (upland and extra-long staple), dry peas, grain sorghum, honey, lentils, mohair, oats, peanuts, rice (long and medium grain), soybeans, unshorn pelts, wheat, wool (graded and nongraded); and other oilseeds, including canola, crambe, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower, sunflower seed, and sesame seed. Seed cotton and sugar are not eligible.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act 

  • Allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed. 

  • Includes self-employed and independent contractors. 

  • Paycheck Production Program (PPP) provides 100% federally guaranteed loans. 

  • Loans may be forgiven if borrowers maintain their payrolls during the crisis or restore their payrolls afterward. 

  • Guidelines about the program are available here.

What we do.

Kentucky Corn strives to create a future for Kentucky corn farmers where they can operate successfully, grow demand and foster an understanding of corn farmers and the industry.

Become a member.

For us, grassroots means that corn farmer members are the organization. Our organization is governed by a board of directors of volunteer farmers who are elected by farmer members. Kentucky Corn Growers Association’s ability to influence policy decisions depends entirely on the strength of its membership.

By being a member, you make the Kentucky Corn Growers Association a stronger advocacy group.