by | Mar 30, 2020

Leopold Conservation Award 2020 Call for Applications

If you, or someone you know, is a Kentucky landowner who is committed to land management practices that increase conservation, we invite your application for the Leopold Conservation Award.

The deadline has been extended to April 15th.

Please provide the following information:

Nominee: Name, address, phone, email, website, type of agricultural operation

Nominator (if different): Name, address phone, email

Please provide responses to these six criteria, and limit each response to 1,000 words:

  1. Conservation Ethic – Describe how the nominee has voluntarily exceeded the minimum obligations of regulation to enhance and conserve natural resources.

  2. Resilience – Describe the business and conservation methods used by the nominee to make the operation productive into the future.

  3. Leadership and Communication – Describe significant efforts the nominee has made to share his/her conservation ethics and techniques with others inside and outside of agriculture. Describe community service, positions held, leadership roles and media outreach.

  4. Innovation and Adaptability – Describe how the nominee has taken risks by utilizing or experimenting with new techniques to adapt to change (consumers, markets, weather, regulations, etc.).

  5. Ecological Community – Describe how the nominee’s agricultural operation works with natural systems (soil, water, plants and wildlife, etc.). Describe how this benefits others.

  6. Water Management – Describe the development and implementation of an Agricultural Water Quality Plan on the nominee’s land.

Additional information

Describe any other relevant accomplishments and/or challenges. Attach three letters of recommendation. At least one should be from a natural resources conservation organization or agency.

Where applicable, indicate the local, state and federal agencies and partner organizations involved with the nominee’s conservation practices.

Nominations must be typed on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Please paper clip/binder clip (do not staple) your document, for copying purposes. If you wish, include supporting materials like news clippings, photos and maps, but do not send DVDs or videos. Please indicate if you would like the materials returned.

  1. Please have the nominee sign and submit the following statements with the application.

  2. I agree to be a nominee for the Leopold Conservation Award.

  3. I manage and/or own the property described in this application.

  4. The agricultural operation described in this application is in compliance with all applicable regulations, and provides a positive example of environmental stewardship.

  5. I understand I may be asked to be available for communications/media opportunities to promote the message of voluntary private lands conservation.

  6. I understand a video will be produced featuring my agricultural operation, which will require my participation.

The committee prefers application materials to be sent electronically. To submit materials electronically, please e-mail materials to:

Materials may be mailed to:
Leopold Conservation Award
c/o Franklin County Conservation District
103 Lakeview Court
Frankfort, KY 40601

Application Deadline: April 15, 2020

For further information, please see the Leopold Conservation Award website:

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