by | Dec 22, 2020

2020 Corn Yield Contest Winners Announced

Winners from the National Corn Yield Contest were recently announced.

Kentucky Corn Yield Contest Results

2020cornyieldcontest.JPGThe 2020 Kentucky Corn Contest posted excellent yields from across the Commonwealth.

Some key points from the 2020 Kentucky Corn Contest include:

  1. The state winners for No-till and Tillage, non-irrigated, averaged 317.73 bushels per acre.
  2. The three White Corn, non-irrigated, state winners averaged 258.21 bushels per acre.
  3. The three Irrigated Corn state winners averaged 276.42 bushels per acre.

The non-irrigated winners for tillage and no-tillage yielded better than the winners for irrigated corn. Yet, those irrigated fields needed the extra water. However, this was a very good year for corn that was not irrigated. There were 23 non-irrigated corn entries that yielded higher than the best irrigated yield. Those 23 entries averaged 292.07 bushels per acre.

There were 19 state and district winners and the yields averaged 284.77 bushels per acre.

Curt Judy received the Supervisor Award for the top three average yields supervised in the no-tillage division. Clint Hardy received the supervisor award for both the tillage and white corn divisions. Curt supervised a total of 6 no-tillage entries. Clint supervised 22 tillage entries and three white corn entries.

The Kentucky Corn Contest is sponsored by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the Kentucky Corn Growers Association, and numerous Agribusinesses.

Production practices will be available by the Kentucky Commodity Conference scheduled for January 14, 2021. Kentucky Commodity Conference – Home

National Corn Yield Contest Results – Kentucky Producer

View the news story | All results2020 corn yield.JPG

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