Winners of the 2019 Kentucky Yield Contest were honored the evening of Jan. 16 at the Kentucky Commodity Conference in Bowling Green, where they received a cash award from KyCorn and trophies sponsored by KyCorn, DuPont Pioneer and Whayne Agri-Business.
Jake Hunt with Hunt Farms in Warren County, took the top spot in the Conventional/No-Till Category for the state. He will also be recognized at the Commodity Classic the end of February for having the highest state yield in Kentucky for the National Corn Yield Contest.
The White Corn Category is unique to the Kentucky contest. The Thompson family of PPJ Farms in Daviess County earned the highest yield there.
The overall high yield and Irrigated Category winner was earned by McKay Farms in Daviess County. Many thanks to Chad Lee and UK Cooperative Extension Service ANR agents for administering this program.