by | Jul 24, 2018

KyCorn Presents Check for UK Grain and Forage Center of Excellence at Field Day

KyCorn President Mark Roberts and KyCorn Chairman Ray Allan Mackey present a check to Dean Nancy Cox to support the Grain and Forage Center for Excellence.

KyCorn President Mark Roberts and KyCorn Chairman Ray Allan Mackey present a check to Dean Nancy Cox to support the Grain and Forage Center for Excellence.

KyCorn farmer leaders presented the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment a check for $64,000 today to support the Grain and Forage Center for Excellence. The funds were raised through the KyCorn/UK Benefactor Lifetime Membership Program, where corn growers contribute $1,000 in dues for the lifetime membership. Of those dues, $750 is donated and matched by KyCorn for the Center to conduct corn-focused research. To date, 42 corn farmers have participated in the program. 

The setting for the check presentation was the UK Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day. Several of UK’s extension experts presented on KyCorn funded research. 




Chad Lee explains results from KyCorn funded research on plant populations and yield. 

Chad Lee explains results from KyCorn funded research on plant populations and yield. 

John Grove presents on late N nutrition for corn: guided by plant analysis.

John Grove presents on late N nutrition for corn: guided by plant analysis.

Edwin Ritchey sharing nutrient placement research to help producers decide on their corn fertilization plans.  He walked field fay participants through the decision points around starter fertilizer.

Edwin Ritchey sharing nutrient placement research to help producers decide on their corn fertilization plans.  He walked field fay participants through the decision points around starter fertilizer.

Josh McGrath discusses on-farm precision ag research. 

Josh McGrath discusses on-farm precision ag research. 

Jordan Shockley discussing precision agriculture research. UK has an outstanding precision ag research program, which ranked in the top 25 in the world.

Jordan Shockley discussing precision agriculture research. UK has an outstanding precision ag research program, which ranked in the top 25 in the world.

The plot planter KyCorn purchased for research at UK on display at the field day.

The plot planter KyCorn purchased for research at UK on display at the field day.

What we do.

Kentucky Corn strives to create a future for Kentucky corn farmers where they can operate successfully, grow demand and foster an understanding of corn farmers and the industry.

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