by | Feb 22, 2018

County Corn Production Estimates for 2017

USDA-NASS released county production estimates for corn in 2017.

Christian County is the leading corn producing county in Kentucky for 2017, with production totaling 13,957,000 bushels, harvested from 73,100 acres.

The top five counties, which account for 29 percent of Kentucky’s corn production, include:

  • Christian County – 13,957,000 bushels
  • Henderson County – 12,970,000 bushels
  • Union County – 12,390,000 bushels
  • Graves County – 12,121,000 bushels
  • Daviess County – 11,335,000 bushels

Wayne County took the top corn yield spot in 2017, producing 205 bushels per acre and the first time a county average corn yield has exceeded 200 bushels. The previous record was held by Ohio County when the average yield was 199.1 bushels in 2014.

The top five counties for yield include:

  • Wayne County – 205.0 bushels per acre
  • Ohio County – 199.3 bushels per acre
  • Hancock County – 198.6 bushels per acre
  • Daviess County – 197.8 bushels per acre
  • McLean County – 191.6 bushels per acre

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Kentucky Corn strives to create a future for Kentucky corn farmers where they can operate successfully, grow demand and foster an understanding of corn farmers and the industry.

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