The Crappie Masters All American Tournament Trail sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association “Ethanol Fueled With Pride,” American Ethanol and Bass Pro Shops makes its way to our neck of the woods for the KY/TN State Championship. This stop on the trail is hosted by KyCorn and Commonwealth Agri-Energy to share in the effort of clearing the air, and water, with some of ethanol’s biggest critics.
“The boating and sport fishing industry has long been a target of misinformation about E10 compatibility with marine engines. And while it’s a relatively small group of fuel users, they are very outspoken and passionate about their toys,” explained Adam Andrews, KyCorn Programs Director. “A respectful and truthful dialogue about how ethanol is perfectly safe is necessary for us to advance our priorities as ethanol blends become a more prominent fuel option. The Crappie Masters partnership has proved to be an excellent platform for such a discussion.”
KyCorn and TnCorn team up through the KY/TN championship to work with local media and leaders to explain how E10 is not only safe in marine engines, but share the many other benefits of the ethanol fuel.
E10 is warranty-approved for use in nearly every modern marine engine in the marketplace. Many manufacturers assert that it is superior to E0 because of its drying affect and its higher octane rating. The professional anglers on the Crappie Masters tour understand this, and they are great spokespersons because they rely on their engines to earn a living – they need them to operate at top performance and would not put anything harmful in the tank.
Find details of the event and see how well this group represents the ethanol industry at