by | Dec 19, 2017

December Crops Marketing and Management Update

Dr. Todd D. Davis Assist ant Extension Professor – Department of Agricultural Economics
Grains and Forage Center of Excellence

Topics in the December Update:

  1. USDA Releases Uneventful WASDE. Markets Wait for January’s Final Estimate
  2. How Have Projected Ending Stocks Changed from December to End of the Marketing Year?
  3. 2017 Corn and Soybean Basis vs. Previous Years – Implications for Storage
  4. Projected Returns to On-Farm and Commercial Storage for Corn and Soybeans
  5. Corn and Soybean Storage Risk Management Opportunities to May 2018
  6. Projected Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Futures Trading Ranges to Harvest 2018
  7. Post-Harvest Corn and Soybeans Risk Management Plan – December 2017 Update
  8. Preliminary 2018 Corn and Soybean Risk Management Plan – Understanding Seasonality and Price Potential
  9. USDA Releases Preliminary 2018 Agricultural Baseline Projections

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