Kentucky grain farmers have additional seats at the table to discuss national programs and policy at the National Corn Growers Association:
Mark Roberts, of Henry Co., was appointed to the Risk Management Action Team. This team addresses Title 1 Farm Bill programs, crop insurance, tax, and appropriations.
Joseph Sisk, of Christian Co., was appointed to the Stewardship Action Team. This team addresses water and air quality, soil health, sustainability, and the Farm Bill Conservation Title.
Quint Pottinger, of Nelson Co., retains his seat on the Resolutions Committee. This committee reviews and recommends revisions to NCGA’s Policy and Positions Statements that are ratified by voting delegates.
Adam Andrews, KyCorn Programs Director, was appointed to the Ethanol Action Team. This team addresses ethanol policy and marketing, infrastructure, and working with the auto industry.
Action teams play a vital role in the NCGA. They allow small groups of grower-leaders from various state affiliates to develop deep knowledge of specialized areas and then collaborate solutions that help NCGA create and increase opportunities and markets for their members.
We are appreciative of their service to not only Kentucky’s grain industry, but to farmers across the country.